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These stories began life at university. They were written quickly, for workshop sessions, and aimed at getting cheap laughs from my writing buddies. The saga went down better than I ever imagined it would, and along with the central character, Mr Jarvis, they gained a very small cult status. Strangely, at university, these are probably the stories I'll be most remembered for.
Experiment is planned to be an on-going series of tales. Future episodes will appear as and when time allows. However they also come with a warning: the Experiment stories are sometimes crude, occasionally rude, sprinkled with strong language, and are generally childish. They're not there to cause offence; they're just meant to be fun. So in the spirit of raising a smile, click on the links in order, and enjoy your introduction into the world of Mr Jarvis.
EXPERIMENT II: The Pleasure Point
EXPERIMENT III: Getting Bashed
OPIUM HOUSE: in early 2004 this WWII story of forgotten secrets in forgotten libraries appeared in the webzine Aphelion. Amongst all the tales I've written, this one remains one of my personal favourites.
FUTURE IN A BOTTLE: a short piece that was first published on the webzine Between Kisses during the latter period of 2004. Future in a Bottle is one of my rare children's stories, and is about rubbish tips and genies.
THE DOG AT THE FOOT OF THE BED: A Sci-Fi actioner by the great Tyree Cambell.
A TIME TO... : the best of the Lorelei Signal 2006, edited by Carol Hightshoe.
TALES OF A TEXAS BOY: the true tales of Texas Eddie brilliantly realised by his daughter Marva Dasef
THE GUARDENER'S TALE: a brilliant story of a dystopian future by the equally brilliant Bruce Boston
INSOMNIA TALES: a little experimental writing for you here. Its takes some explaining, so click on the link!!
INTERVIEW: (part 1) that's right, I've been interviewed by the marvellous Marva Dasef, and the first part is now up on her blog. The second part will be up soon, with the release of my novella "Living Stone". The reasons this interview is a two-parter? Simple, when I open my mouth, I can't close it again, and my answers are way too long. I like to rant. It's a medical condition. By the way, you can find the link to Marva's website on my Links page, and she's worth looking into - she's a great person and writer.
INTERVIEW: (part 2) the second installment of my recent interview with the marvellous Marva Dasef. Once again, I have WAY too much to say for myself, and this section deals with the release of my novella LIVING STONE (did I mention that already?) and other writings.
LIVING STONE REVIEW: once again on the Marvellous Marva Dasef's website, she has very kindly read and reviewed my novella, Living Stone. So if you're wondering what it's all about, swing over and have a read!